Vojnotehnički Glasnik (Mar 2005)

Određivanje propelerske karakteristike motora pomoću mjernih traka i personalnog računara u uslovima eksploatacije na brodu / Determining the propeller characteristic of the engine by means of strain gauges and personal computers in the conditions of exploitation on a ship

  • Sead Cvrk

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 53, no. 2
pp. 201 – 212


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U ovom radu opisan je postupak mjerenja deformacija propelerskog vratila pomoću mjernih traka i personalnih računara, beskontaktnom metodom. Na osnovu poznatog poprečnog presjeka, kao i vrste materijala propelerskog vratila, određivan je obrtni moment. Poznavajući frekvenciju vratila, odnosno ugaonu brzinu i obrtni moment, moguće je odrediti efektivnu snagu koja se prenosi od motora na propeler. Oprema, odnosno hardver i softver koji je korišten u radu proizvedeni su u njemačkoj firmi "Hottinger Baldwin Messtehnik" (HBM). Eksperiment je izvršen na brodu Mornarice Vojske Srbije i Crne Gore u uslovima ustaljenog režima plovidbe. / In this paper, there has been described the way of measuring propeller shaft deformation using the strain gauges and PCs by means of the non-contact method. On the basis of the known cross-section as well as the propeller shaft material type the torque has been calculated. Knowing the shaft frequency, that is the radial velocity and the torque, it is possible to determine the effective power that has been transmitted from the engine to the propeller. The equipment, that is the hardware and the software that have been used, was produced by Hottinger Baldwin Messtehnik (HBM), Darmstadt, the Federal Republic of Germany. The experiment has been carried out on a ship belonging to the Navy of Serbia and Montenegro in the conditions of the usual sailing regime.
