Розвиток методів управління та господарювання на транспорті (May 2021)
Innovative strategies for the development of the subsystems of the maritime transport industry
The stability of the principles of logistics support of cargo flows and sustainability in this regard by marine transport enterprises requires the management of innovative adequacy of the merchant fleet and cargo terminals. With the stabilization of the pace of global economic growth in the maritime market, competitive technologies are increasing, predetermining the priorities of innovative development on competitive sustainability criteria. Strengthening the role of innovative technologies in the formation of boundary parameters of development predetermines the tasks of rational use of production potential for any form of ownership. The stabilization of the production parameters of the Marine Trade Market requires the rationality of managing the productivity of the fleet and ports to avoid economic losses. Therefore, the role of integration processes and the need to control the effect of synergies is being increased. Together with new technologies, the maritime transport industry gets more and more developed in general, which affects the efficiency of deliveries among different ports within the same or diffe-rent countries. The innovations are inevitable, − it’s only a matter of time, which can be formed together with certain events, some of which are speeding the processes up, and some are slowing them down. As far as maritime transportation is the most common type of transportation, the innovations in the following sphere are being invented, and the type of innovations is far not only material, − it’s not only technologies which help making delivery faster, but also the methods of managing and controlling the systems which are mainly improving subsystems of the maritime transport industry. In turn, the effect of synergies effect makes positive changes within a particular company, which is also explained by a number of factors that are based on such as an increase in the volume and quality of transportation. Innovations, which are introduced within the enterprise or industry, having a connection with another direct industry or company can provide more sustainable and efficient distribution of relevant technologies. This distribution is called diffusion of technologies, which has a large-scale impact on the development of the subsystems of the maritime trading industry due to the use of both new innovative ideas about the transportation, downloads, unloading and other integral operations in maritime trade and the vehicle themselves with which these operations occur.