Membranes (Feb 2023)
Mechanism of Chromium Separation and Concentration from Tannery Wastewater by Membrane Methods
The article specifies conditions for a nanofiltration process employing a diafiltration method with a constant volume diafiltration (NF-CVD) for exhausted chromium tannery wastewater treatment and describes a mechanism of the examined process carried out for model wastewater. The authors prove that a decrease in salt concentration in the NF-CVD process is an important factor that enables effective concentration of chromium. Based on the proposed chromium separation and concentration mechanisms, it was found that this effect may be achieved by (1) limiting the formation of an ionic adsorption–polarization layer and (2) reducing the increase in the osmotic pressure caused by a change in the separation properties of the membrane. The article shows that in the analyzed system a higher amount of the solvent introduced at the diafiltration stage and a lower process pressure that ensures a reduction in salt retention translate to a high level of salt removal. In regenerates, after the NF-CVD processes in which at least the same volume of a washing diluent as the volume of the retentate after the pre-concentration step was used, salt concentration below 10 g L−1 and chromium concentration about three times higher than in the case of the feed solution were obtained. Therefore, the proposed solution implements the circular economy strategy in the tannery.