Arthroscopy Techniques (Aug 2014)
Fluoroscopy-Guided Implantation of Subacromial “Biodegradable Spacer” Using Local Anesthesia in Patients With Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tear
Treatment of massive rotator cuff tears can be challenging, especially when tears are considered irreparable or, when repaired, at significant risk of retear. A surgical technique is described using a biodegradable subacromial balloon-shaped spacer (InSpace; Ortho-Space, Caesarea, Israel) that, when implanted between the humeral head and acromion, permits smooth, frictionless gliding, supporting shoulder biomechanics. The specific insertion technique described herein is a simple procedure that can be performed in a day-care or outpatient setting with patients under local anesthesia, thus providing a treatment option for patients with multiple comorbidities complicating or contraindicating surgery, such as reverse arthroplasty under general anesthesia.