Remote Sensing (Jun 2024)
Deep-Learning-Based Daytime COT Retrieval and Prediction Method Using FY4A AGRI Data
The traditional method for retrieving cloud optical thickness (COT) is carried out through a Look-Up Table (LUT). Researchers must make a series of idealized assumptions and conduct extensive observations and record features in this scenario, consuming considerable resources. The emergence of deep learning effectively addresses the shortcomings of the traditional approach. In this paper, we first propose a daytime (SOZA < 70°) COT retrieval algorithm based on FY-4A AGRI. We establish and train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for COT retrieval, CM4CR, with the CALIPSO’s COT product spatially and temporally synchronized as the ground truth. Then, a deep learning method extended from video prediction models is adopted to predict COT values based on the retrieval results obtained from CM4CR. The COT prediction model (CPM) consists of an encoder, a predictor, and a decoder. On this basis, we further incorporated a time embedding module to enhance the model’s ability to learn from irregular time intervals in the input COT sequence. During the training phase, we employed Charbonnier Loss and Edge Loss to enhance the model’s capability to represent COT details. Experiments indicate that our CM4CR outperforms existing COT retrieval methods, with predictions showing better performance across several metrics than other benchmark prediction models. Additionally, this paper also investigates the impact of different lengths of COT input sequences and the time intervals between adjacent frames of COT on prediction performance.