Naučno-tehničeskij Vestnik Informacionnyh Tehnologij, Mehaniki i Optiki (Jun 2022)
Substantiation of construction and evaluation ways of the application efficiency for spatially distributed system of information sensors to provide environment monitoring
Based on the principles of structural information analysis of the situation, the ways to build a system of spatially distributed information sensors with functions of reconfiguring the structure and changing the composition in accordance with monitoring tasks and conditions are justified. Using the method of indeterminate Lagrange multipliers, a procedure has been developed for rationally selecting the configuration of a sensor system to achieve stability and reliability of control over a given area of space. Experimental estimates of the determining location accuracy of objects in spatially distributed passive radar systems are obtained when azimuth-angular direction finders and signal detectors are used as information sensors. Regularities of accuracy increase due to selection of number and positions of information sensors are revealed.