European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields (Jul 2023)

Reconstructing particles in jets using set transformer and hypergraph prediction networks

  • Francesco Armando Di Bello,
  • Etienne Dreyer,
  • Sanmay Ganguly,
  • Eilam Gross,
  • Lukas Heinrich,
  • Anna Ivina,
  • Marumi Kado,
  • Nilotpal Kakati,
  • Lorenzo Santi,
  • Jonathan Shlomi,
  • Matteo Tusoni

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 83, no. 7
pp. 1 – 18


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Abstract The task of reconstructing particles from low-level detector response data to predict the set of final state particles in collision events represents a set-to-set prediction task requiring the use of multiple features and their correlations in the input data. We deploy three separate set-to-set neural network architectures to reconstruct particles in events containing a single jet in a fully-simulated calorimeter. Performance is evaluated in terms of particle reconstruction quality, properties regression, and jet-level metrics. The results demonstrate that such a high-dimensional end-to-end approach succeeds in surpassing basic parametric approaches in disentangling individual neutral particles inside of jets and optimizing the use of complementary detector information. In particular, the performance comparison favors a novel architecture based on learning hypergraph structure, HGPflow, which benefits from a physically-interpretable approach to particle reconstruction.