Sučasnì Informacìjnì Tehnologìï u Sferì Bezpeki ta Oboroni (May 2020)

The expert data processing method for the distance learning system improvement in the armed forces of Ukraine

  • Юрій Васильович Кравченко,
  • Андрій Петрович Мусієнко,
  • Максим Георгійович Тищенко,
  • Спартак Юрійович Гогонянц

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 37, no. 1
pp. 157 – 162


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The classification of educational process automation tools in the military education system was carried out in the paper. Based on the analysis, it was determined that one of the important factors in the effective functioning of the distance learning system is the availability of experts who monitor the quality of distance learning courses and offer methods for improving them. The method for conducting the collective examination of the effectiveness and quality of distance learning courses and processing the received expert data in an expert group was proposed in order to develop the mechanism for experts to assess the effectiveness and quality of distance learning courses. The calculation algorithm of the proposed method involves determining the professional level of experts; processing the values of indicators determined by experts; determination of the generalized value of a particular indicator; determination of the value of a generalized indicator.
