Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Oct 2021)
Monte Carlo simulations of chromium target under proton irradiation of 17.9, 22.3 MeV
Chromium material is commonly used for fusion plasma facing applications because of the low neutron activation property. The Monte Carlo method is one of the useful ways to investigate the ion-target interactions. In this study, Chromium target irradiated by protons was investigated using Monte Carlo based simulation tools. In this context, the calculations of radiation damage on Chromium material irradiated with protons at 17.9 and 22.3 MeV energies were carried out using GEANT4 and SRIM codes. Besides, the cross sections for proton interaction with Chromium target were calculated by the TALYS 1.9 code using CTM + FGM, BSFGM, and GSFM level densities. As a result, GEANT4, SRIM and TALYS 1.9 codes provide a suitable tool for the predictions of radiation damage and cross cross section with proton irradiation.