Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Dec 2018)
La investigación integral del INAH en Comalcalco de 1993 a 2018
This work presents an historiographic analysis of Comalcalco's archaeological research from 1993 to 2018. The study includes the discovery of the site by Charnay in 1880 and the works carried out between 1880 and 1992 by different academics. A balance is made of the proposals generated from these studies. The comprehensive studies of this archaeological city, carried out between 1993 and 2018, are presented in a summarized manner. Based on the information from the controlled excavations, hard data and the analysis of materials by a multidisciplinary research team, it is intended to delineate the way of life of the pre-Hispanic inhabitants of Comalcalco and its surroundings.