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«De las contiendas que ubo entre los reyes de Castilla»: Urraca I de León y Alfonso I de Aragón y Pamplona como exempla en Segunda Leyenda de Ávila

  • Ángel G. Gordo Molina

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 42


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The Segunda Leyenda de Ávila recounts situations from the 11th century, then interpreted in the 13th century and finally moralized in the 16th century. In this trajectory, the figure and genius of Queen Urraca I was overshadowed by a simplistic story that discards political-legal acts of the sovereign, to accentuate an alleged character of inconsequent and licentious woman who did not respect the authority of her husband. In this context, the oligarchy of Ávila, propitiator of the studied source, is faithful and warlike, always at the service of Castilian ideals, embodied by queen’s son Alfonso VII.
