Jurnal Agrica (May 2022)
Kontribusi dan Trend Produksi Padi Daerah Pengembangan Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Rice is still a strategic commodity in the economy and national food security. Improvement efforts to rice production can be impelemented and one of them is through the intensification of rice plants. The aim of this study was to analyze the contribution and trend of rice production in development areas to rice production in South Sulawesi. This study uses secondary time series data for rice production in South Sulawesi and central areas for a period of 15 years (2004 - 2018). For development areas in South Sulawesi, there are 12 regencies : Selayar, Sinjai, Bulukumba, Bantaeng, Jeneponto, Takalar, Gowa, Maros, Pangkep, Barru, Enrekang and Tator. Descriptive and quantitative methods and analyzes were used to determine the contribution and trend of rice production in development areas to rice production in South Sulawesi. For the analysis of rice production trends in the development area of South Sulawesi is the least square method. The results of the research on the contribution of development area rice production to South Sulawesi rice production for 15 years (2004 - 2018) showed an increase. The trend of rice production in the development area of South Sulawesi has increased with the assumption that the current situation is the same as that in the future.