Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Aug 2009)
Perfil lipídico, fatores de risco cardiovascular e síndrome metabólica em um grupo de pacientes com AIDS Perfil lipídico, factores de riesgo cardiovascular y síndrome metabólico en un grupo de pacientes con SID Lipid profile, cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic syndrome in a group of AIDS patients
FUNDAMENTO: Desde o advento da AIDS, a terapia antiretroviral desenvolveu-se significantemente, incluindo a terapia antiretroviral altamente ativa (HAART) e a doença adquiriu uma característica crônica. Entretanto, após a introdução da HAART, várias alterações metabólicas foram observadas, principalmente relacionadas ao perfil lipídico. OBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar os perfis lipídicos, analisar o risco cardiovascular, e descrever a prevalência da síndrome metabólica em pacientes com AIDS tratados ou não com HAART. MÉTODOS: Durante um período de 18 meses, 319 pacientes tratados em ambulatórios na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, foram selecionados. RESULTADOS: A amostra final incluiu 215 pacientes tratados com HAART e 69 pacientes virgens de tratamento com HAART. A idade média era 39,5 anos, e 60,9% eram do sexo masculino. Os principais fatores de risco cardiovascular eram o fumo (27%), hipertensão (18%) e histórico familiar de aterosclerose (40%). Os valores médios de colesterol total, HDL-colesterol, triglicérides e glicose foram mais altos no grupo HAART do que no grupo não-HAART (205 vs 180 mg/dl, 51 vs 43 mg/dl, 219 vs 164 mg/dl e 101 vs 93 mg/dl respectivamente; p FUNDAMENTO: Desde el surgimiento del SIDA, la terapia antiretroviral se desarrolló significantemente. Al incluir la terapia antiretroviral altamente activa (HAART), la enfermedad adquirió una característica crónica. Sin embargo, tras la introducción de HAART, diversas alteraciones metabólicas se observaron, principalmente relacionadas al perfil lipídico. OBJETIVO: Evaluar y comparar los perfiles lipídicos, analizar el riesgo cardiovascular, y describir la prevalencia del síndrome metabólico en pacientes con SIDA tratados o no con HAART. MÉTODOS: Durante un período de 18 meses, se seleccionaron a 319 pacientes tratados en ambulatorios en la ciudad de São Paulo, Brasil. RESULTADOS: La muestra final incluyó a 215 pacientes tratados con HAART y a 69 pacientes vírgenes de tratamiento con HAART. La edad promedio era de 39,5 años, y el 60,9% eran del sexo masculino. Los principales factores de riesgo cardiovascular eran el fumo (27%), hipertensión (18%) e histórico familiar de aterosclerosis (40%). Los valores promedios de colesterol total, HDL-colesterol, triglicéridos y glucosa fueron más altos en el Grupo HAART que en el Grupo no-HAART (205 vs. 180 mg/dL, 51 vs. 43 mg/dL, 219 vs. 164 mg/dL, 101 vs. 93 mg/dL respectivamente; p BACKGROUND: Since the advent of AIDS, the anti-HIV therapy has developed significantly, including the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and the disease acquired a chronic characteristic. However, after the introduction of HAART, several metabolic alterations were observed, mainly related to the lipid profile. OBJECTIVES: to evaluate and compare lipid profiles, analyze cardiovascular risk, describe the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in AIDS patients with or without HAART. METHODS: Over an 18-month period, 319 patients treated at outpatient clinics in the city of São Paulo, Brazil were selected. RESULTS: The final sample included 215 patients receiving HAART and 69 HAART-naive patients. The mean age was 39.5 years, and 60.9% were males. The main cardiovascular risk factors were smoking (27%), hypertension (18%) and family history of atherosclerosis (40%). Mean total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose were higher in the HAART group than in the non-HAART group (205 vs 180 mg/dl, 51 vs 43 mg/dl, 219 vs 164 mg/dl and 101 vs 93 mg/dl respectively; p < 0.001 for all). According to the Framingham risk score, the cardiovascular risk was moderate to high in 11% of the patients receiving HAART and 4% of the HAART-naïve patients. According to the Adult Treatment Panel III definition, the metabolic syndrome was observed in 13% and 12% of the patients with or without HAART, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Although the mean values for total cholesterol, HDL-c and triglycerides were higher in the HAART group, a higher cardiovascular risk was not identified in the former. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was comparable in both groups.