Ribogospodarsʹka Nauka Ukraïni (Mar 2015)
Purpose. To characterize the morphometric and morphologic peculiarities of peled grown in ponds of the aquaculture farms “Okonsk” and “Korop” for creating the initial brood stock for its further use for broadening species diversity in fish farms of Ukraine. Methodology. The study materials were the young-of-the-year and yearlings of peled obtained from the eggs imported in March 2008 from Russian Federation. According to Pravdin’s method, 27 plastic features, which are used most frequently for biological and systematic analyses, have been examined. The analysis of plastic features was carried out in the system of absolute values and in the index system – as percentages of the body length by Smith. Based on the analysis of the features, we examined their mean values (M± m), deviation (δ), and coefficient of variation (Cv). Findings. Based on the obtained data and available literature data, we carried out a comparative analysis of morphometric features of young-of-the-year peled grown in pond conditions of Polissya and Prykarpattya. An analysis of plastic and meristic features of yearlings with young-of-the-years has been conducted. A comparative analysis of the morphometric features of the yearlings reared in the conditions of Polissya with those of native water bodies from literature data has been carried out.With an increase in the body length in experimental fish, there is a decrease in the highest and lowest body depth values, anterodorsal distance, head and eye lengths, an increase in the values of pectoventral, postdorsal, anteanal distance and the dorsal fin height. Compared to fish from native water bodies, the examined fish are characterized by an increase in the snout length, eye diameter, head length, caudal peduncle length; a decrease in the anteanal, anteroventral, ventral distances, length of the base and height of the dorsal and abdominal fins. Originality. For the first time we carried out works on the study of the peculiarities of peled growth based on morphometric features in the conditions of their combined rearing in the Polissya and Prykarpattya zones. The obtained results will allow widening our knowledge on the topics of peled culture in pond farms in Ukraine. Practical value. The obtained results showed the plasticity of peled in the conditions of their combined rearing in the Polissya and Prykarpattya zones of Ukraine that will contribute to the creation of local brood stocks of peled.