Naučno-tehničeskij Vestnik Informacionnyh Tehnologij, Mehaniki i Optiki (Apr 2023)
Analysis and control of user engagement in personalized mobile assisting software for chronic disease patients
Existing solutions for patients support in mobile apps do not allow customization of the user interface to the needs of a particular user. It reduces the involvement of patients in the process of using the system. The lack of information leads to a decrease in the quality of treatment and the emergence of potential complications. The paper proposes a variant of a new interactive mobile patient support system. This technology allows patients to enter data about their health into a mobile application and track the dynamics in time, and doctors can monitor the course of treatment remotely. Models for tracking user engagement, such as the Cox proportional hazards model and the random effects model, are considered and demonstrated. The use of A/B testing to improve user experience is analyzed. The architecture of the mobile application, web application, and their interaction was developed and implemented. Risk assessment models for patients with chronic diseases have been built. The work of interactive user support technology within a single interactive system is shown. The developed approaches can be used to build a wide range of telemedicine solutions that support interaction with both medical specialists and patients within the framework of the 4P approach in medicine.