Integration of climate change considerations into local air quality management plans in South Africa
T Thambiran,
R Diab,
M Zunckel
T Thambiran
1. CSIR Natural Resources and the Environment, P O Box 17001, Congella, 4103, South Africa. 2. School of Environmental Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College Campus, Durban 4041, South Africa
R Diab
School of Environmental Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College Campus, Durban 4041, South Africa
M Zunckel
1. CSIR Natural Resources and the Environment, P O Box 17001, Congella, 4103, South Africa., 2. uMoya-Nilu, 23 Ashley Avenue, Glen Ashley, Durban, 4051, South Africa