Politeja (Feb 2019)

Przemiany we współczesnej Francji w kontekście zacierania się granic kulturowych – perspektywa kulturoznawcza na wybranych przykładach

  • Natalie Moreno-Kamińska

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 1(58)


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Transformations in Contemporary France in the Context of Considering Cultural Borders – A Cultural Perspective in Selected Case Studies Culture in France, as well as its society, is changing. Mobility, the decline of traditional religiosity, and the takeover of global cultural patterns are just a few manifestations of the evolution of French contemporary culture. Based on the concept of culture transfer by French scientists, Michel Espagne and Michael Werner, and Gordon Mathews’ “cultural supermarket”, the author will present examples and effects of infiltration of foreign cultures and attempts to maintain the distinctiveness and cultural identity of the French.
