Дискурс (Dec 2022)
Conceptualization of Temporal Relationships Structuring the Emotional World of a Person in the Poem “No – leave my heart to rest” by T. Moore
Introduction. This study, carried out in line with the linguo-cognitive paradigm, is devoted to the study of linguo-cultural specifics of the interpretation of temporal markers, as well as to the analysisof ways to conceptualize the category of artistic time within the framework of the cognitive scenario of the poem “No - leave my heart to rest” by T. Moore. The relevance of this study is explained by the interest of specialists in the field of linguistics to the national and cultural specificity of the interpretation of the category of time in literary works, where time markers serve the purpose of providing a temporal continuum of the cognitive scenario within a particular work. The purpose of the study is to identify the specifics of the conceptualization of temporal relations in the poem “No – leave my heart to rest” by T. Moore by means of a cognitive analysis of temporal markers that structure the representation of the emotional world of the lyrical hero. The relevance of this study is determined by its anthropocentric orientation, as well as an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of linguistic material from the point of view of psychology, cultural studies and cognitive linguistics.Methodology and sources. The theoretical principles underlying this study are presented in the works of researchers involved in the analysis of emotional concepts and the category of temporality in the linguocultural and anthropocentric paradigms. In the process of analyzing lexical material in the article, the following research methods were used: the method of continuous sampling, the functional-semantic method, the method of component analysis, the method of definitional analysis, as well as the descriptive method and the method of quantitative data processing.Results and discussion. The article presents the results of the categorization of lexical units with temporal semantics, which, in the context of the poem under consideration, model the temporal perspective of the main character's emotional experiences. The selected lexical units are marked with a marker of temporality, that is, correlation within the artistic world of the work with a certain stage in the life of the lyrical hero.Conclusion. It has been established that the temporal markers of the past and present in the poem “No – leave my heart to rest” by T. Moore from the point of view of their linguopragmatic function model and structure the world of emotional experiences of the lyrical hero and serve the purpose of realizing the time continuum within the event space of the analyzed poem.