Abril (Jun 2017)
The loving body in <i>O livro da paz da mulher angolana, as heroínas sem nome:</i> a support for reading
Memories of O livro da paz da mulher angolana, as heroínas sem nome (Kasembe; Chiziane, 2008) are the point to the reflection proposed here related to the loving body of women during the civil war in Angola. Considering the problematic of the female body domestication in the tragic circumstances of war – with its androcentric and gendered character – the female subjects and their bodies are brought to reflection. The gendered implication of the nationalist propaganda war and, in some cases, a subsequent political and social female empowerment are also discussed. Thus, this article intends to read the loving body of the female subjects in dialogue with gender, sexuality, class and race, concerning a cultural and historical panorama in a hard universe of war, colonialism and postcolonialism.--- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22409/abriluff.2017n18a377