Forum: Qualitative Social Research (Mar 2009)
Review: Petra Grell (2006). Forschende Lernwerkstatt. Eine qualitative Untersuchung zu Lernwiderständen in der Weiterbildung [A Research Workshop in Learning. A Qualitative Investigation into Resistance to Learning in Further Education]
Petra GRELL describes an example of a successful participatory, problem-oriented qualitative social research project. The project dealt with resistance to learning in further education, a problem which is frequently observed. To show the different facets and the motivation behind this behaviour, the author uses a mixture of qualitative methods, and integrates and reflects on the successful use of image processes. The work is highly recommended both for its thematic focus and for the methodological reflection and discussion it contains. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0902242