INFAD (Jul 2019)
Improvement of the process of construction and graphical representation of the word in the learning of the writing
In recent years there have been numerous investigations that have shown the value of developing a series of skills prior to learning written language. These include phonological awareness, alphabetic knowledge and graphomotor development, since access to the writing system is favored from its domain. However, at present, despite the knowledge of the importance of these skills in the learning of writing, a significant number of students still have difficulties in the graphic representation of linguistic units. The purpose of this study was to analyze the incidence that prewriting skills present in the acquisition of writing in the first ages through a training program at the time when students begin in the writing system. A quasi-experimental design of comparison between groups with pretest and posttest measurements was used. The study involved 118 students aged between 5 and 6 years. The results support the development of teaching models that integrate the development of the prewriting skills in the first school levels since, from its development, the process of acquisition of writing is improved.