Scientific Papers Animal Science and Biotechnologies (May 2024)
Increasing the Natural Productivity of Fish Ponds by Applying the IMTA Concept for Efficient Use of Natural Resources
Aquaculture operates according to a principle of rational use of nature's trophic base, being in strict correlation with the biological period of growth and development of the fish stock in an area unit. In practice, the period during which the biological material is developing (polyphagy period) is exploited on the one hand, and the period during which the food spectrum is differentiated on the other. This gives polyculture particular advantages over monoculture, thus broadening the possibilities for exploiting the natural food base, when the biological material populated has a different food spectrum. Expanding the food base of ponds leads to increased final productivity. Obtaining and maintaining live food over a longer period of time is the main goal, followed by the processes initiated to achieve phytoplankton and zooplankton production through the administration of different types of manure.