Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Mar 2021)
撥雲見日─身心障礙資賦優異學生教學輔導之行動研究Dispelling the Clouds and Seeing the Sun: Action Research on Teaching and Counseling for Twice-Exceptional Students in an Elementary School
本研究以一所國小為研究場域,採行動研究法,邀集該國小之導師、身障教育教師及資優教育教師組成研究團隊,透過計畫、行動、觀察、省思、修改、再行動的動態歷程,檢視並調整一名自閉症兼一般智能資賦優異學生原有之教學輔導運作機制及內涵,且探討調整之結果。研究結果顯示,教師合作之身心障礙資賦優異學生教學輔導運作有助於提升學生整體表現,其具體成果在教師合作方面有:一、建立以個管教師擔任教師合作協調者之機制;二、採用靈活有彈性的教師合作方式;三、主動協調各類教師進行師生配對。在身障資優學生所需之支持與成效方面,則有:一、擬定以優勢發展為核心的教學輔導內涵與執行策略,使身障資優學生整體表現提升;二、建構普通班的支持性環境,成為身障資優學生展現優勢的舞臺。本研究根據研究結論,分別從實務現場及未來研究提出若干建議。 This study explored the operating mechanism and the content of teaching and counseling provided to twice-exceptional students by a team of teachers consisting of a regular classroom teacher, a disability resource room teacher, and a giftedness resource room teacher. The subject of the case study was a gifted fourth-grade student with autism. The research was conducted through a cyclical process of plan, action, observation, reflection, revision, and reaction. The results demonstrated that providing appropriate services for twice-exceptional students through collaborative efforts of various types of teachers can improves students’ overall performance. The results for teacher collaboration were (1) establishing a mechanism for case managers to lead teachers through collaboration; (2) adopting teacher cooperation flexibility; (3) actively coordinating various teachers for teacher-student matching. The results for providing support for twiceexceptional students were (1) developing strengths-based content and implementing strategies for twice-exceptional students; (2) constructing a performance stage for twice-exceptional students to demonstrate their talents in a supportive regular classroom setting. Finally, we proposed some suggestions for governmental education departments, schools, and future studies.