Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment (Apr 2023)
Targeting the Arginine Vasopressin V1b Receptor System and Stress Response in Depression and Other Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Stephen J Kanes, Lara Dennie, Philip Perera EmbarkNeuro, Oakland, CA, USACorrespondence: Stephen J Kanes, EmbarkNeuro, Inc, 1111 Broadway, Suite 1300, Oakland, CA, 94607, USA, Tel +1 610 757 7821, Email [email protected]: A healthy stress response is critical for good mental and overall health and promotes neuronal growth and adaptation, but the intricately balanced biological mechanisms that facilitate a stress response can also result in predisposition to disease when that equilibrium is disrupted. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis neuroendocrine system plays a critical role in the body’s response and adaptation to stress, and vasopressinergic regulation of the HPA axis is critical to maintaining system responsiveness during chronic stress. However, exposure to repeated or excessive physical or emotional stress or trauma can shift the body’s stress response equilibrium to a “new normal” underpinned by enduring changes in HPA axis function. Exposure to early life stress due to adverse childhood experiences can also lead to lasting neurobiological changes, including in HPA axis function. HPA axis impairment in patients with depression is considered among the most reliable findings in biological psychiatry, and chronic stress has been shown to play a major role in the pathogenesis and onset of depression and other neuropsychiatric disorders. Modulating HPA axis activity, for example via targeted antagonism of the vasopressin V1b receptor, is a promising approach for patients with depression and other neuropsychiatric disorders associated with HPA axis impairment. Despite favorable preclinical indications in animal models, demonstration of clinical efficacy for the treatment of depressive disorders by targeting HPA axis dysfunction has been challenging, possibly due to the heterogeneity and syndromal nature of depressive disorders. Measures of HPA axis function, such as elevated cortisol levels, may be useful biomarkers for identifying patients who may benefit from treatments that modulate HPA axis activity. Utilizing clinical biomarkers to identify subsets of patients with impaired HPA axis function who may benefit is a promising next step in fine-tuning HPA axis activity via targeted antagonism of the V1b receptor.Keywords: allostatic overload, cortisol, HPA axis, major depressive disorder, neuroendocrine