Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Ştiinţe Juridice (Dec 2021)
Discursul judiciar utilizat de aparatul inchizitorial/ Judicial Discourse Used by the Inquisition
Among the sources of research on the judicial discourse one may find collections of laws and decrees, papal bulls, church canons, council acts, monastic annals, histories of local communities and abbeys, minutes of trials, sentences of inquisitions, biographies of bishops and popes, various eulogies and so on. To these are added various codes of criminal procedure or manuals for the use of inquisitors, guides according to which were recognized persons who practiced witchcraft, the legislation applicable to convicting heretics and persons who taught other teachings than those preached by the Western Church. All these sources provide many details on the way in which inquisitorial processes were organized and conducted.