Health Science Journal of Indonesia (Jan 2016)

Function and platelet count in thrombocyte concentrate (TC) during the storage

  • Elida Marpaung,
  • Vivi Setiawaty,
  • Ni Ken Ritchie,
  • Ina S. Timan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 1
pp. 48 – 51


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AbstrakLatar belakang: Evaluasi terhadap pemberian transfusi belum dilakukan secara optimal baik di hulumaupun di hilir. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu penyimpanan terhadap perubahanpH, jumlah trombosit, dan fungsi agregasi yang terjadi pada trombosit pada beberapa hari penyimpanan.Metode: Disain penelitian potong lintang terhadap sample kantong konsentrat trombosit yang yang telahlolos skrining infeksi penyakit menular melalui transfusi darah. Pengujian yang dilakukan ialah terhadappH, jumlah trombosit dan fungsi agregasi terhadap sampel pada tiga waktu pengujian pada hari ke-0, ketiga, dan ke lima penyimpanan.Hasil: Pada 50 sampel kantong konsentrat trombosit didapatkan kenaikan pH pada hari ke tigapenyimpanan kantong trombosit yang disertai penurunan pada hari ke lima. Hal serupa ditemui pulapada jumlah trombosit. Sementara penurunan fungsi agregasi trombosit ditemukan lebih awal pada harike tiga penyimpanan dan didapatkan nilai rendah pada hampir semua sampel.Kesimpulan: Ketiga parameter yaitu pH, jumlah trombosit, dan fungsi agregasi mengalami penurunanpada hari kelima. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia;2015;6:48-51)Kata kunci: thrombocyte, concentrate, pH, agregasi, waktu penyimpanan. AbstractBackground: Evaluation for platelet transfusion is not optimal for this moment even in upstream at theblood center or in downstream at the hospital. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect ofstorage time to changes in pH, platelet count and function that occurs on platelet aggregation duringdifferent time storage.Methods: The study design was cross-sectional on selected bags of platelet concentrates that have passedthe screening for infection transmitted through blood transfusions. The regular assessment in UTDD forPC has been done every month by random sampling with three parameters pH, platelets count and volumein the bag of blood. The testing for pH, platelet count, and aggregation functions for 50 samples with threedifferent test time were conducted on day 0, third day, and fifth day storage.Results: On 50 bags samples, pH, and number of platelets increased, but the platelet aggregation functiondecreased on the third day of storage. On the fifth day of storage the pH, number of platelets and theplatelets aggregation function decreased and found the lowest number almost in all samples.Conclusion: The three parameters: pH, platelet counts, and aggregation functions decreased on the fifthday of storage. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia;2015;6:48-51)Keywords: platelets, pH, aggregation, platelet storage