Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii "Al.I. Cuza" din Iaşi. Ştiinţe Juridice (Apr 2024)
Pot fi actorii „reprezentaţi” de inteligenţa artificială? // Can actors be „represented” by artificial intelligence?
American actors and screenwriters went on strike in July 2023, refusing to take part in any activities associated with the creation and promotion of movies and series. They were motivated to take this action by their „fear" of the development of artificial intelligence. For instance, an increasing number of screenwriters are being asked to adapt a text created by a chatbot (like ChatGtp) so that the ideas can be visualized. As a result, fewer screenwriters are requiered to work on the production of a movie, and those who are still employed are paid less for their efforts. In terms of actors, background actors appear to be the most vulnerable. Thus, companies that are part of Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (such as Netflix, HBO, etc.) give background actors the option to „sell" their digital copy so that it can later be adjusted by AI to appear in any film or series. In other words, digital copies could be used in numerous movies instead of paying for background actors. The future of voice actors is also uncertain because of AI based tools that can replicate and translate the person's voice into almost every language.