Aspekti Publìčnogo Upravlìnnâ (Mar 2015)
Improvement of the organizational support of public water management in Ukraine at the national level
The article revealed the theoretical and methodological provision of public water management system by formulating the generalized system model and mechanism of state water management. Due to the classical definition of governance and existing approaches to environmental management the interpretation of the term «public water management» is proposed. Using a systematic approach summarizes the system of public water management and considered its main components: control subsystem, controlled subsystem, feedback, control action. Based on the experience of foreign countries the scheme of reorganization of water management in Ukraine at the national level and composition of the National Water Council are proposed. Based on «water resources» approach, when the content of tasks resulting from the treatment of water as a natural resource, ensuring them a whole sectors of the economy and the population, not with water as a commodity with direct its use scheme of devolution and improve the organizational structure of public administration in the water sector. Key words: governance, water resources, organizational charts, organizational security management functions, powers, national level.