Polis: Revista de Stiinte Politice (Jun 2017)
Votul pentru Stanga si Dreapta in 2016. Cat de mult se schimba ponderea acestui vot in prezent, comparativ cu alegerile precendente?
This is an analysis of data from more exit polls from recent elections - regarding the vote for Romanian political parties in deeply political elections (for national Parliament and for European Parliament). The analysis shows interesting information about the share of votes for Right-wing parties, respectively Left-wing parties from Romania. We want to assess to what extent we are witnessing a major paradigm shift after the PSD (mail Left-wing party in Romania) victory in Parliamentary elections in 2016. Our hypothesis suggests that, on the contrary, although the result figures indicate a paradigm shift, in reality, the fundamental pillars of the Left and, respectively, of the Right remains the same in Romania.