Мать и дитя в Кузбассе (May 2017)
The authors made an attempt to demonstrate the role of DNA-methylation in pathogenesis of myoma utery. The epigenetic aspects based on the personal investigations of DNA-methylation of the gene WNT-ingibitory factor1 have been reviewed. The researches underlined a perspective of investigation of epigenetic mechanisms and perspective of future application of epigenetic therapy. Study objective. To evaluate the pathogenetic relevance of DNA-methylation of WNT-ingibitory factor1 in development and pathogenesis of myomautery. Methods. The study included 30 female patients aged 35-45 year with myoma utery who were candidates for conservative myomectomy or hysterectomy. The samples from the myoma nodules and satellite myometrium from the same patients have passed DNA extraction, «touchdown» PCR-amplification, sequencing and statistic analyses of results. Study results. Hypermethylation in promotor region of gen of WIF1 have been found. Conclusion. Investigation of hypermethylation of WIF1 that activate WNT-signal way, can play the key role in myoma initiation and requires further examination.