Çédille: Revista de Estudios Franceses (Apr 2016)
Les enjeux sémiotiques de la perception dans L’Étranger d’Albert Camus
Considered as a romantic incarnation of author’s ideas, L’Etranger put us in front of the absurd through the problematic charac- ter of Meursault, often studied and com- mented as subject of this philosophical attitude. The absurd presupposes a relation- ship between man and the world and is thus inevitably linked to perception: a sen- sory experience then founds the discourse of the novel, establishing Meursault as percipi- ent/enunciator subject. We will use the resources offered by semiotics of discourse in its phenomenological version for analyz- ing the perceptual path of Meursault and especially to consider the question of Ca- mus’s absurd under a new light.