فصلنامه نوآوری‌های آموزشی (Dec 2007)

Analysis of the content of elementary school books based on the achievement motivation constructs

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 4
pp. 57 – 66


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roles in Iran. Because of this importance and also because of the role of the content of text books in encouraging and providing for the needs beside making the students’ learning process easy, the content of text books in primary school have been put under assessment and analysis in this research with respect to the construct of advancement motivation and its indexes. This research is the foundation for the current article. At the beginning of the article the theoretical and experimental background of the subject has been provided. The research tool includes 5 indexes and 125 sub-indexes and its reliability has been concluded to be 0.93 based on the ratio of agreed-upon indexes to all other ones. With regards to the findings and based on the resulted data from “content analysis forms” in the current research and the researches that have previously taken place in this field, it can be derived that: Mathematics and Experimental science books have to high extent paid attention to advancement motivation construct; Farsi literature, Religion, and Quran text books have to some extent paid attention to this matter; and Social Studies text books have been weak in paying attention to this matter. In elementary schools, it can also be said that grade 5 and 4 books have paid a lot of attention to advancement motivation construct and grade one and two have paid less attention to this matter. On top of this, most attention to the mentioned construct in elementary school books have been seen in grade 5 experimental sciences, grade 3 experimental sciences, grade 4 social studies, grade 3 religious and Quran studies, and grade 5 mathematics. And finally, least attention to this construct has been seen in grade one Quran studies, grade 3 social studies, grade one experimental sciences, grade 5 religious and Quran studies, and grade 4 Farsi literature.
