Griseldaonline (Aug 2023)
Premessa a «Il semplice. Vite e voci di una rivista»
The introduction to the thematic section of volume 22 issue 1 (Il semplice. Vite e voci di una rivista) explains the origin, methods, aims and news of the most recent research dedicated to the journal «Il semplice. Almanacco delle prose» (1995-1997), one of the most interesting workshops of the Italian panorama at the end of the millennium. This introduction introduces some fundamental questions, addressed in the individual essays, which concern the ideas and suggestions that Gianni Celati has transmitted to the magazine. «Semplice» was an inexhaustible forge of short narratives of which the archive of the papers, kept in the Library of the Fondazione Collegio San Carlo di Modena and presented in this issue for the first time, will offer the scientific community new opportunities for study and research.