Clinical and Experimental Ocular Trauma and Infection (Aug 2019)
Injury Of The Orbit with Screws Secondary To Lateral Orbital Wall Repair
Purpose: In this case report, we present a patient with lateral rectus muscle injury caused by excessive long screws inserted into the orbital rim by the plastic and reconstructive surgery department. Case Presentation: A 60 year-old male patient presented with diplopia, esotropia and enopthalmus in his right eye fallowing orbital inferior wall fracture and tripod fracture surgery due to maxillofacial trauma. In first examination limitation of right abduction was determined. Forced duction test showed that restriction in horizontal movements. Computed tomography showed the screws placed on the lateral wall were pushed into the orbit and pressed into the lateral rectus. After the removal of the screws, diplopia was improved but restriction of abduction still persistant. Conclusion: During the drilling and placement of the screws attention should be paid to the protection of structures. Iatrogenic injuries of extra-ocular muscles should be considered if there is a restriction of eye movement after orbital fracture surgery.