Бюллетень сибирской медицины (Mar 2002)
Typical reaction of peripheral link of erythron in the pathological processes
A complex research of the structural-metabolic features and the functional status of erythrocytes in peripheric blood of people with mental disorder and somatic pathology was carried out. It was revealed that when having schizophrenia, exogenous mental deficiency, neurotic disorder, Alzheimer's disease, malignant neoplasm of different localization, chronicle nonspecific diseases, acute pneumonia, atherosclerotic affection of limbs’ arteries, heat injury there are evident abnormalities of albuminous and lipid composition of membrane of erythrocytes, change of microviscosic features of lipid phase and disorder of cationtransporting membrane system, disorganization of superficial architectonics and ultrastructure of red blood cells, their deformation and aggregative features. The discovery of nonspecific character of structural-functional disorders of erythrocytes in the pathological processes and conditions allows to suggest that there is typical reaction of peripheric link of erythrone.