Space and Culture, India (Sep 2021)
Epistemological Understanding of Science Embedded within Shad Darsana and Buddhist Philosophy
This paper focuses on the epistemological understanding of finding the science embedded within Shad darsana and Buddhist philosophy. The primary rationale of this study is to dig out the scientific notion that consists of Shad darsana and Buddhist philosophy. Shad darsana or six systems of Hindu philosophy considered as the orthodox/astika philosophy and accept the authority of Vedas, which included Nyaya, Vaisesika, Sankey, Yoga, Poorva Mimamsa and Uttar Mimamsa. Pratyaksa/Perception, Anuman/Inference, Upamana/Comparison, Sabda (word) or testimony are considered the achieving and transforming ways of valid knowledge of Shad darsana like modern science. Astanga yoga, introduced by seer Patanjali, is regarded as a pioneer scientific practice in the modern era for the connection of mind, body and soul; and is useful to control the COVID 19 pandemic. Buddhist philosophy is considered as the heterodox/nastic or materialist philosophy; that is, it does not believe in the authenticity of Veda. It is mainly based on four universal truths and ways of elimination of sin doing practical meditation way. Madhyama Pratipada, Pratityasamutpada, Nirvana, Ksanabhangavada and Anatmavada are scientific processes of achieving knowledge in Buddhist philosophy.