Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (Aug 2007)

Incidência de danos pós-colheita em goiabas no mercado atacadista de São Paulo e sua relação com a prática de ensacamento dos frutos Incidence of post harvest damages in guavas at the wholesale market of São Paulo and its relationship to pre harvest bagging

  • Marise Cagnin Martins,
  • Lilian Amorim,
  • Silvia Afonseca Lourenço,
  • Anita Souza Sias Gutierrez,
  • Hélio Satoshi Watanabe

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 29, no. 2
pp. 245 – 248


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A incidência de danos pós-colheita em goiabas foi quantificada no período de abril de 2005 a agosto de 2006 em quatro permissionários do Entreposto Terminal de São Paulo da Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais de São Paulo (CEAGESP). As amostragens foram feitas de forma estratificada, utilizando calibre, procedência, cor da polpa e ensacamento do fruto como critérios de estratificação. Injúrias mecânicas e doenças pós-colheita foram quantificadas por meio de análise visual de todos os frutos de 323 caixas de goiaba. Foram avaliados 5.081 frutos, dos quais 51,1 % foram provenientes de pomares onde a prática do ensacamento dos frutos era utilizada. Injúrias mecânicas pós-colheita foram observadas em 63 % dos frutos, mas apenas 5,5 % dos frutos mostraram sintomas de doenças. A incidência de doenças pós-colheita foi correlacionada à incidência de injúrias mecânicas apenas nos frutos ensacados (R=0,20, pThe incidence of post harvest damages in guavas was quantified from April 2005 to August 2006 in four wholesalers from the terminal wholesale market of São Paulo (CEAGESP). The sampling was stratified by fruit size, fruit origin, flesh color and bagging the fruit. All fruit from 323 guava boxes were visually assessed. Post harvest mechanical injuries and diseases were quantified. Five thousand and eighty one fruit were assessed, 51.1% of which came from orchards where fruit received paper bags some time before harvesting. Post harvest mechanical injuries were observed in 63% of fruit but only 5.5% of fruit showed symptoms of post harvest diseases. These diseases incidence was correlated to the incidence of post harvest mechanical injuries only in bagged fruit (R=0.20, p< 0.05). These variables were not correlated in fruit not bagged (R=0.09). Black spot (Guignardia psidii) was observed in 3.5 % of fruit and anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.), in 1.1 % of them. Post harvest rots caused by fungi from genera Fusicoccum, Rhizopus, and Pestalotia occurred in less than 1 % of fruit. The incidence of post harvest diseases caused by quiescent pathogens was significantly greater in bagged fruit (7.7 % of fruit) than in non-bagged fruit (2.1 % of fruit). The opposite was observed for wound-pathogens, with averages of 0.3 % and 0.8 % of symptomatic guavas for bagged and non-bagged fruit, respectively. There was no significant difference in the incidence of quiescent diseases in bagged fruit from varieties with white flesh (7.8 %) or red flesh (7.3 %).
