Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (Apr 2023)
Brief Review on Piper aduncum L., its Bioactive Metabolites and its Potential to Develop Bioproducts
Abstract This literature brief review compiled the main biological activities and active chemical constituents that have already been isolated from Piper aduncum (Piperaceae), whose common name is spiked paper. In Brazilian Portuguese, it has been called pimenta-longa, aperta-ruão, pimenta de macaco, matico, erva de jaboti, jaborandi do mato, pimenta-de-fruto-ganchoso and tapa buraco. Extracts, essential oils (EOs) and compounds isolated from this species have exhibited remarkable fungicidal and insecticidal activities, besides antibacterial, antileishmanial, antioxidant, cytotoxic/antitumor, larvicidal, antiplatelet, molluscoidal and antiviral ones. P. aduncum is an endemic species in Brazil which has drawn researchers’ attention because of high contents of EOs that are extracted from its leaves, inflorescences and twigs. This study aimed at analyzing data on P. aduncum, its EOs, extracts and isolated compounds found in 45 research papers. Its major chemical constituent is definitely dillapiole, an arylpropanoid. Findings were carefully compiled by this brief review which reinforces the chemical and biological potential of this botanic species.