Fikrah: Jurnal Ilmu Aqidah dan Studi Keagamaan (Jun 2017)

Harmonisasi Antar Umat Beragama Melalui Pernikahan Beda Agama

  • Lathifah Munawaroh

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 1
pp. 197 – 218


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Indonesia as the religious community with the six recognized religions makes this country often vulnerable and sensitive in issues related to religion. Further, disharmony among religions is often apparent, even at the level of endless hostility. Keeping the peace by pursuing harmonious efforts among religious people is the duty of Indonesian society. One of the things that make disharmony among religious people is the issue of different religious marriages in Indonesia. This is because religious marriage in Indonesia has become a polemic and issues that need to get attention for all people. For example, the scholars who have issued his fatwa to the legal basis of the law. While there is an ijtihad from contemporary scholars who allow it, Sayyid Sabiq is one of them. This paper aims at analyzing the thoughts of Sayyid Sabiq in the issue of different religious marriages in order to create a harmonious relationship between religious people. This research is a literature by using Fiqhus Sunnah as the primary data in analyzing Sayyid Sabiq’s opinion about the marriage of different religions, especially the marriage of Muslim men with female scribes who allow this type of marriage as an effort of harmonization between religious people, especially Muslims with the scribes. Indonesia dengan masyarakat yang majemuk sangat rawan dan sensitif dalam permasalahan keagamaan. Disharmoni antar agama sering terjadi dan berakhir dengan permusuhan tidak berujung. Salah satu problem sumber disharmonisasi adalah pernikahan beda agama. Permasalahan tersebut masih menjadi polemik dan perlu mendapatkan perhatian semua umat. Para ulama’ telah mengeluarkan fatwa hingga menjadi dasar hukum undang-undang tentang larangan pernikahan beda agama, kendati seorang ulama kontemporer, Sayyid Sabiq, berijtihad membolehkannya.Tulisan ini bertujuan menganalisis pemikiran Sayyid Sabiq dalam permasalahan pernikahan beda agama demi terciptanya hubungan yang harmonis antara umat beragama. Jenis penelitian ini kepustakaan dengan menggunakan kitab Fiqhus Sunnah sebagai data primer dalam menganalisis pendapat Sayyid Sabiq tentang nikah beda agama, khususnya pernikahan laki-laki muslim dengan perempuan Ahli Kitabyang membolehkan jenis pernikahan ini sebagai upaya harmonisasi antara umat beragama khususnya umat Islam dengan ahli kitab.
