Desafios (May 2016)
Geração de produção, emprego e remunerações nas indústrias do açúcar e do álcool em 2000 e 2009
This research aims to analyze the evolution of Sugar and Alcohol Industries in terms of production, employment and remuneration in 2000 and 2009. For this, it was used the Input-Output Matrix methodology to estimate the generators and multipliers for both years of analysis. The results showed that the Sugar Industry saw its production, employment and remuneration multipliers fall of 2000 to 2009. The Alcohol Industry showed sensible increase in production multiplier due to the still heated flex car market, but saw falling the other multipliers. The fall of the employment and remuneration multipliers was mainly caused by the discovery of “pré-sal” in 2007, which contributed to the Brazil failed to make policies for the ethanol market, focusing again in fossil fuel.