Australasian Orthodontic Journal (Mar 1990)
Assessment and predictability of ANB angle
This cephalometric study consisting of thirty three orthodontic patients in the age group of 13 to 15 years was carried out to: 1. Evaluate the relationship between angle ANB and horizontal distance between jaws at the level of point A (r = 0-99); 2. Evaluate the relationship between angle ANB and Wits appraisal (r = 0 95 when mandibular plane angle is within normal limits of 32±5); 3. Predict angle ANB from Wits appraisal and vice versa (which was 90 percent correct in mesofacial type and obtained by the regression equation: angle ANB = 2 31 +1-00 x Wits value; and 4. Evaluate the validity of angle ANB compared to other methods (angle ANB 785 percent in agreement with the standard followed by Wits 64-28 percent).