Corela (Jul 2020)
Démarches et corrections pour une appropriation des textes littéraires dans leur matérialité phonique et écrite par les apprenants de FLE dès le niveau A1 du CECRL
Since the time of communicative approach to today’s action-oriented approach, the literature has been reclaimed. It remains a part of the course material however is reserved for more advanced levels of CEFR. We, on the contrary, illustrate with several examples that the learner of French as foreign language (FLE) should be acquainted to the musicality of French language from the beginner level itself, with the help of texts in which the authors have worked on rhythm, intonation, syllabation and sounds. We also demonstrate that it is necessary to go beyond pure phonematics and auditory discrimination in minimal pairs and to deal with phenomena that has been omitted but nonetheless has received the responsiveness of certain new phonologies that are developed for French domain : the unstable « e », the vocalic quantity, the sequences, the dieresis…