Church, Communication and Culture (Jan 2023)

The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision <subtitle>by Erika Bachiochi, Notre Dame (IN), University of Notre Dame Press, 2021, 422 pp, €41.00, ISBN 978-0268200824</subtitle> <source><bold>The Rights of Women: Reclaiming a Lost Vision</bold></source>, by <contrib-group person-group-type="editor"><contrib contrib-type="author"><string-name xml:space="preserve" name-style="western"><given-names>Erika</given-names><x xml:space="preserve"> </x><surname>Bachiochi</surname></string-name></contrib></contrib-group>, <publisher-loc>Notre Dame (IN)</publisher-loc>, <publisher-name>University of Notre Dame Press</publisher-name>, <year>2021</year>, <size units="pages">422</size> pp, <price>€41.00</price>, ISBN 978-0268200824

  • Jordi Pujol

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1
pp. 132 – 134


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