Mediações: Revista de Ciências Sociais (Apr 2020)
On the notion of post-modern critical theory by Boaventura de Sousa Santos
This investigative work aims to contribute to the renovation of Critical theory in general and to enrich the dialogue within different traditions of critical theory in particular. We will develop the contributions of Boaventura Sousa Santos, which mines the knowledge of the South of the world to confront the dominant thinking of the Northwest. We will summon up his critical questioning of the occidental modernity that has spread throughout the world, through colonialism and capitalism, in systematic regulatory processes that have expanded to all sectors of social life. Besides the critical interpellation that is to be developed, we will contribute to the dialogue between the emerging southern epistemologies with those of the Northwest. A dialog that stems from occurring alternative practices, mainly in Latin-America and that may lead to old Europe towards a new learning and a broadening of its horizons. In that perspective we aim to spark a mutually enriching dialogue of different theoretical proposals, which will complement the exercise of criticism.