Ciência Rural (Jan 2020)
Selection of sugarcane families and clones under cold stress
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to select cold-tolerant sugarcane families and clones. Evaluations were carried out during three selection phases in the municipality of Pelotas, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The experiments were arranged in an incomplete block design, with initially 4,452 seedlings of 53 full-sib families. Aside from the traits soluble solids content (BRX), tons of stalks per hectare (TSH) and tons of brixper hectare (TBH), the survival of the apical bud (ABS) was evaluated in the first selection stage (T1) of the breeding program. At the end of three selection phases, 15 clones of 14 of the 53 families evaluated in the first phase (T1) were selected for the experimental phase. Of these, the clones RS/PR126066, RS/PR126044, RS/PR126052, RS/PR126007 and RS/PR126033, had a good performance for apical bud survival in the first selection phase.