Recherches en Éducation (Mar 2016)
Le composite dans les albums de littérature de jeunesse et ses effets différenciateurs : un exemple en cycle 2
Ongoing research carried out by Circeft-Escol shows that today’s schools use more composite learning materials, which are linked to school literacy, but have differentiating effects.. In French schools, children’s books became learning stakes, a trend that has been encouraged by the school since 2002. In 2007 the French Secretary of Education published a literature reference list for first-grade classes. So we seek to identify criteria of children’s books composite: semiotic heterogeneity and discursive heterogeneity. We analyze two children’s books, a simple and a complex one, which were read out by the teachers in a first grade classroom in an underprivileged suburban area and in a first grade classroom in a “standard” urban area. Student’s comprehension has been assessed by a free text recall. The analysis tends to confirm that composite children’s books have differentiating effects.