Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University (Jul 2013)

Tuberculous Mastitis: A Case Report

  • Gopal A. Pandit,
  • Sunita S. Dantkale,
  • Nisha V. Thakare,
  • Smita S. Pudale

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 02, no. 02
pp. 123 – 126


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Tuberculosis of breast is an uncommon diseaseclinically mimicking breast carcinoma. Wepresent a case of a 22 years old female whocomplained of a breast mass and axillary swell-ing of three months duration. Clinically she wasdiagnosed as having phyllodes tumour. Thebreast mass ultrasonography revealed a benigncystic hypoechoic lesion. Grossly the excisedmass was a cyst containing serous fluid alongwith a small solid yellowish white nodule withfoci of caseation. The axillary lymph nodes alsoshowed caseous necrosis. A definitive diagno-sis of tuberculous mastitis was reached by his-tological demonstration of caseating granulo-mas in the cyst wall and in the ipsilateral axil-lary lymph nodes.
