Problemy Zarządzania (Dec 2015)
Płeć a motywacje przedsiębiorcze oraz podejmowane przez mikroprzedsiębiorców decyzje zarządcze
Most literature and empirical studies on the gender effect on the functioning of enterprises indicate underperformance of women in this area, both in terms of the number of women in business and the achievements of companies run by women. These studies, however, often do not take into account differences in the initial size of the companies or the objectives and plans of their owners. In many cases the latter are not known because the analysis of secondary data obtained from statistical offices does not cover feelings, perceptions, motivations which largely affect the functioning of companies. After a short literature review the model of the impact of gender on economic activity was proposed. Within this model, three hypotheses were verified on the basis of panel research conducted among 280 enterprises (2009 and 2012) as part of the Pomeranian Economic Observatory.