Iatreia (Jan 2013)
Evaluation of three coproparasitoscopic techniques for the diagnosis of intestinal geohelminthiases = Evaluación de tres técnicas coproparasitoscópicas para el diagnóstico de geohelmintos intestinales
Introduction: Soil transmitted helminths (geohelminthiases) are a worldwide public health problem. However, no reference technique (gold standard) for their diagnosis has been established; contrariwise, several coproparasitoscopic tests, with variable sensibility rates, have been used. Objective: To compare the sensibility of the coproparasitoscopic Kato-Katz technique with that of the combination of direct coprologic examination and Ritchie`s concentration, for the detection of geohelminths, and to determine the degree of infection. Methodology: The comparison was made in 90 stool specimens obtained from school children living in a low-income community in Medellín, Colombia. Results: Sensibility of the Kato-Katz technique was similar to the one obtained with the combination of direct microscopic examination and coprology by concentration. Conclusion: The Kato-Katz technique provides reliable results with high sensibility rate for the diagnosis of the intestinal geohelminths more frequent in Colombia.