Бюллетень сибирской медицины (Feb 2012)
NazvanCapabilities of non-atrofic antral helicobacter-associated gastritis diagnostics at the patients suffering from a duodenal ulcer combnined with bronchial asthma when examining Gastropanel test system
This paper presents the results obtained by the investigation of morphological condition of a gastric mucosa and serum concentration of pepsinogen-I, pepsinogen-II, and gastrin-17, as well as H. pylori IgG antibodies using «Gastropanel» test system when examining patients suffering from a duodenal ulcer combined with bronchial asthma. It was reveled that the level of serum concentration is in close relation to gastritis activity and Helicjbacter pylori bacterization in the gastric mucosa, thus expanding the «Gastropanel» test system application for diagnosing not only atrophic gastritis, but also for helicobacter gastritis without evidence of atrophy.